
Wood sanicle used to be widely used as a herbal remedy and has a long-standing reputation for healing wounds and treating internal bleeding. The herb is traditionally thought to be detoxifying and has also been taken internally to treat skin problems[254]. A potentially valuable plant, but it is little used in modern herbalism[7, 254]. The leaves and the root are alterative, astringent, carminative, expectorant and vulnerary[4, 7, 9, 13, 21, 46]. The leaves are harvested in early summer and the roots in mid to late summer, they can be dried for later use[4, 7]. The herb is highly esteemed in the treatment of blood disorders, where it is usually given in combination with other herbs[4]. It is also taken internally in the treatment of bleeding in the stomach and intestines, the coughing up of blood, nosebleeds, chest and lung complaints, dysentery, diarrhoea etc[4, 254]. It can also be used as a mouth gargle for sore throats[4]. Externally, it is applied to rashes, chilblains, inflammations etc[4, 7] and an ointment made from the plant is applied to haemorrhoids[7].