Black Walnut Hulls

The bark and leaves are alterative, anodyne, astringent, blood tonic, detergent, emetic, laxative, pectoral and vermifuge[4, 222, 257]. Especially useful in the treatment of skin diseases, black walnut is of the highest value in curing scrofulous diseases, herpes, eczema etc[4]. An infusion of the bark is used to treat diarrhoea and also to stop the production of milk, though a strong infusion can be emetic[21, 257]. The bark is chewed to allay the pain of toothache and it is also used as a poultice to reduce the pain of headaches[222, 257]. The juice from the fruit husk is applied externally as a treatment for ringworm[222, 257]. The husk is chewed in the treatment of colic and applied as a poultice to inflammations[222]. The burnt kernels, taken in red wine, are said to prevent falling hair, making it fair[269]. Green husks are supposed to ease the pain of toothache[269]. A tea made from the leaves is astringent[222]. An infusion has been used to lower high blood pressure[257]. It can be used as a cleansing wash[21]. The pulverized leaves have been rubbed on the affected parts of the body to destroy ringworm[257]. The oil from the ripe seeds has been used externally in the treatment of gangrene, leprosy, and wounds[269]. The sap has been used to treat inflammations[257].