Oregon Grape

Oregon grape was often used by several native North American Indian tribes to treat loss of appetite and debility[254]. Its current herbal use is mainly in the treatment of gastritis and general digestive weakness, to stimulate the kidney and gallbladder function and to reduce catarrhal problems[254, 257]. The root and root bark is alterative, blood tonic, cholagogue, diuretic, laxative and tonic[4, 21, 165, 257]. It improves the digestion and absorption and is taken internally in the treatment of psoriasis, syphilis, haemorrhages, stomach complaints and impure blood conditions[4, 238]. Externally, it has been used as a gargle for sore throats and as a wash for blurry or bloodshot eyes[257]. The roots are harvested in late autumn or early spring and dried for later use[238]. The fruit is an excellent gentle and safe laxative[257]. Berberine, universally present in rhizomes of Mahonia species, has marked antibacterial effects[218] and is used as a bitter tonic[213]. Since it is not appreciably absorbed by the body, it is used orally in the treatment of various enteric infections, especially bacterial dysentery[218]. It should not be used with Glycyrrhiza species (Liquorice) because this nullifies the effects of the berberine[218]. Berberine has also shown antitumour activity[218]. The root and root bark are best harvested in the autumn[213].

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